Forty-eight days of the Omer 5777

Today is forty-eight days, which is six weeks and sixdays, of the Omer. Yesod of Shechinah / Malchut, Bonding of the Indwelling /Sovereignty of the Divine.

When a persona is created, it conceals the parts of theself that do not fit into that body. Can you see beyond your personality intoyour shadowy depths? What part of you do you mourn for the most? How can youstart to bring it toward the light, to integrate it into your daily being?

Can you accept that your shadow will always be a part ofyou? Can you work with, and play with, your shadow? Is it too painful to acceptall that you have repressed, all that you thought was No Good?

Your shadow has free reign within your unconscious andoften speaks to you in dreams. Not remembering dreams can be a sign of holdingso tightly to your perception of reality that you're not willing to make spacefor irrational possibility within life.

I havelived my whole life by a code of rationality. Often, that code has led me downugly, twisted paths. I yearn to dance with my shadow, to play within theprimordial possibilities of my eternal womb.

May you befreed from the judgments of your parents, your community, and your rationalmind. May you create space for the twisted, ugly, broken parts of you. May youbond with the entirety of you, the multitudes within you. May you know thefreedom to explore and metabolize all of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

It ishealthy to discipline one's actions. It is unhealthy to deny what is happeningwithin you. May you know true bonding with the spark of holiness, the brokenvessel, within.


Forty-nine days of the Omer 5777


Forty-seven days of the Omer 5777