Forty-two days of the Omer: Indwelling of Bonding

Today is forty-two days, which is six weeks of the Omer. שכינה שביסוד Shechinah ShebeYesod, Indwelling of Bonding.

Completing the week of Yesod. The week of Bonding to our ideals and to our community. The foundation through which all previous emanations of the Divine flow out into the world. A week dedicated to the holy power of sexuality.

Committing to focusing on the holy during Shabbat

So much of life is based in desire and lack. Shabbat is a time of rest from the pursuit of material existence. Ideally, Shabbat is dedicated to relishing the presence of those who surround us. Shabbat is breathing into the wholeness that already exists within us. Shabbat is rededicating ourselves to bonding with the deepest part of ourselves.

This is why, traditionally, people do not speak about their professions on Shabbat. Rather than dirtying the holiness of the day with mundane worries, we focus our attention on eternal truths. I've been thinking a lot about the narratives we tell ourselves and our acquaintances. Conversations can become a tape set to repeat: a litany of complaints or a deluge of boasts.

Breaking the habit of complaint

I hope to hold space for other people today, and most days. If there's some version of your journey that needs to be shared, I'll listen. Most importantly, I hope to continue to process my journey specifically and regularly by myself. I hope to write down my complaints rather than repeating them ad nauseam to everyone I encounter.

The Foundation of my Being is Ever-Present

I also hope to recognize that the Presence of the Foundation of my Being is with me at all times, regardless of how well I am living up to my ideals. I am rooted within a matrix of Divine emanations and holy ethics.

May the Divine Presence hold you in a loving embrace today. May you be nourished by holiness. May you be embraced by communities that allow you to flourish. And may you understand the foundation of your depths.

Previously on this day in the Omer

Sovereign Bonds In Life, 2018 / 5778

Bonding With The Immanent Divine, 2017 / 5777

Image by Peter H from Pixabay


Forty-three days of the Omer: Grace of Divine Presence


Forty-one days of the Omer: Foundation of Foundation