Thirty-four days of the Omer 5778

Today is thirty-four days, which is four weeks and six days of the Omer. יסוד שבהוד, Yesod ShebeHod, Foundation of Splendor.

Spiritual values are meaningless unless concretized. Do you make time on a daily basis for soul nourishing and spirit expanding activities? What do you do and when do you do it?

My prayer practice has slid since last summer. I’ll give every possible excuse. The fact is I make hours and hours available to Facebook and I put my soul’s nectar on the back burner. Today, I recommit to prioritizes prayer, prioritizing my soul, prioritizing connecting with the Essence of the Universe, the Heart of Knowing.

What concrete activity will you commit to? How does it bring meaning to your life? Does it connect you to your ultimate purpose? Have you found your purpose?


Thirty-five days of the Omer 5778


Thirty-three days of the Omer 5778