Thirty-two days of the Omer 5777

Today is thirty-two days, which is four weeks and fourdays of the Omer. Netzach of Hod. Eternal Splendor.

Jewish wisdom is deep and can be life transforming. Yet the institutions we build to share our insight and build community do not always achieve the depths of support we need. I am blessed to be surrounded by others who want to be the change they wish to see within our ancient tradition.

The splendor of building community with rabbinical students (and newly ordained rabbis) from across the Jewish spectrum fills me with awe. I learned that the Jewish Humanist movement does not recognize a rabbi willing to lead a service with God in the prayers. Yet, they are willing to share space with the rest of us who place God at the center of our lives.

I met students from the Orthodox movement's two vibrant schools lighting the way -- they are ordaining women at Yeshivat Maharat and men at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah. And students from Hebrew College (a pluralistic school founded by Rabbi Arthur Green), AJR New York (transdenominational), the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Jewish Theological Seminary (Conservative), Hebrew Union College (Reform), and the ALEPH Ordination Program (Renewal).

And being away from my family makes me appreciate our eternal bond even more. Shabbat shalom!

A small addition: Attending the Transdenominational Rabbinical Student Retreat hosted by Rabbi Sid Schwarz was a life changing experience. It forced me to face my imposter syndrome head on. And it created relationships for me, not just with students from other seminaries, but with students farther along the process at my own seminary, the Academy for Jewish Religion, California. I am eternally grateful for Rabbi Schwarz's insight and determination to keep building bridges between us.


Thirty-three days of the Omer 5777


Thirty-one days of the Omer 5777