Twenty days of the Omer 5777

Today is twenty days, which are two weeks and six days, ofthe Omer. Yesod of Tiferet. Foundation of Beauty / Truth / Compassion.

Arevirtues ideas that sound good when your world is calm, but disappear duringtimes of stress? Have your rooted your knowledge in action? Are you deeplycommitted to creating space for Truth and Beauty in the world? Have you createdEnduring Compassion?

It is somuch easier to meditate on the emanations of the Divine than it is to livethese truths throughout the day. Tiferet is the synthesis of love and strength,grace and discipline. Transforming one's actions, thoughts, and feelings to begrounded in that synthesis is daily work.

This is what my teacher, Rabbi Finley, means when hespeaks about creating a daily practice. We need to reflect on our lives, on theway we interact with people, on a daily basis -- in order to learn from ourmistakes, role play in our minds how to handle tough situations, and nurturethe foundation that allows us to act from within the emanations of the Divine.

I hope toenjoy bonding compassionate truth into my interactions with everyone. Startingwith my internal dialog about myself through my interactions with my partner,parenting my children, helping to lead minyan, and engaging with my fellowstudents and learned teachers -- I will create a better foundation forbeautiful truth in my life and in the world.


Twenty-one days of the Omer 5777


Nineteen days of the Omer 5777