Twenty days of the Omer 5778

Today is twenty days, which is two weeks and six days of the Omer. יסד שבתפארת / שבאמת / שברחמים. Yesod of Tiferet / Emet / Rachamim. Foundation / Bonding of Beauty / Truth / Compassion.

How is your life rooted in Compassion? Does Truth feel like a Foundation of your purpose? Are you committed to speaking truthfully and elevating conversation with a beautiful outlook?

One of the hardest lessons I have learned is that depression is a sin. I am not claiming that people with major depressive disorder are sinners. I am saying that the sub clinical choice to lean into despair and negativity is sinful. It robs your soul of light and hope. It floods the world with darkness rather than beauty.

I spent a lot of my life depressed. My Rabbi said we each need to take responsibility for our lives and if we are unhappy, we need to do the work to change our situation. That advice led me to sink inward, crack open my twisted journey, find joy, and find my calling to become a Rabbi. It wasn’t easy.

And so, today I honor all who are struggling to see the light and beauty pulsating within. I welcome you to take the first step towards mastering darkness. And I recommit myself to taking time each morning to praise God for the gift of life.

Prayer is my foundation of beauty, truth, and compassion. And I want each day to be rooted in a soulful recognition that I am merely a single body traveling towards death. May I fill each day with meaning and love.


Twenty-one days of the Omer 5778


Nineteen days of the Omer 5778